Cold and Flu Season

It is that time of the year when we are bombarded about the cold and flu season, and that we should get our flu shots. If that is not enough, we are also reminded that it is enrollment time for most medical plans/benefits.

I don’t know about you, but we here at Kellsson Home Linens, do our best to avoid colds and the flu, and to reduce our need of medical plan benefits.

We do that by, eating well, including fruits and vegetables every day, exercising on a regular basis, and getting plenty of good rest.

Talking about rest, it is important to create a sleep environment that will help you fall asleep and stay asleep, as that is vital in allowing the body to renew itself and stimulate your immune system.


What I am talking about is your basic bed linens.

  • Did you know that bed pillows collect many microorganisms and creates a breeding ground for bacteria? When was the last time you replaced your pillows? Imagine sleeping on your “old” favorite pillow with years of microorganisms inside.

Granted washing and drying these items are good, but we all know that the bed pillows are never the same after washing. The mattress pad tolerates laundering much better, as long as bleach is not used, but eventually needs to be replaced, as the materials used to make the pad starts to deteriorate with each run through the washer & dryer,

Yes, the cold and flu season is coming, and you should do all you can to prevent it from catching you.

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